Karen's Hasher

Karen's Hasher 2.3.1 Hash generation tool for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Karen's Hasher Abstract:

Karen's Hasher is a small and free utility to calculate the hashes of a file, a list of files or text. It is a freeware hash generation application that's easy-to-use.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Compute and verify various hash values for text strings, files, and groups of files - Screenshot of Karen's Hasher
Compute and verify various hash values for text strings, files, and groups of files.
Screenshot of Karen's Hasher - 1709px · 1152px
Easily generate hash values - Screenshot of Karen's Hasher
Easily generate hash values.
Screenshot of Karen's Hasher - 1709px · 1152px
Save and verify hash results - Screenshot of Karen's Hasher
Save and verify hash results.
Screenshot of Karen's Hasher - 1709px · 1152px
Compute and verify the hashes of files, text or file list - Screenshot of Karen's Hasher
Compute and verify the hashes of files, text or file list.
Screenshot of Karen's Hasher - 1709px · 1152px